👉OHPROMISE 新的禮服上線了,歡迎預約試穿!
From now, we have rental service for more than 100 international branded wedding dresses from UK size 6 to 18! Enquire now!
在英國,您有想過租婚紗嗎?相信您一定會被英國的婚紗價格嚇到,誰會想花幾千什至幾萬多塊辛苦賺來的錢買一條你絕對不會再穿的裙子。當然,我們都應該在婚禮上穿上最完美的婚紗,現在不是妥協的時候!從現在起提供超過100件國際知名設計師的婚紗禮服的租賃服務供您選擇!!從UK6-UK18的尺碼通通都有!從OHPROMISE租用的婚紗保證實惠(慶開幕現特價中 3天150英鎊起)和可靠。您可以節省高達原價零售價的80%,而且每件婚紗都經過細緻的檢驗和衛生處理。
Have you ever thought of renting your wedding dress? I’m sure you will be shocked at the price of wedding dresses. Let’s face it, who ever thought they’d spend thousands of hard earned money on one dress that you definitely will not wear again. Of course, we all deserve to have the perfect dress for our wedding and it’s not the time to be compromising! Renting wedding dresses from OHPROMISE is affordable(from £150 for 3 days) and reliable. You can save up to 80% off the original retail price and every dress undergoes a meticulous inspection process.
👉OHPROMISE 動用了整個團隊,連續3天的準備,加上8小時的拍攝,為了就是要提供客戶完整的一站式服務!One Stop~None Stop 讓你來到英國後,不需要再從海外帶婚紗過來囉!
OHPROMISE 從現在開始到之後的每一季,都將會有新款的婚紗禮服~請敬請期待....
To provide the best service, we have prepared for the photoshoot for continuously three days along with the eight-hour shooting. From now on, we import new dresses every season, so keep your heads up! ❤️